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Goulburn Uniting Church Op-Shop and Café

22nd Mar 2024

The Wesley Centre, 43 Goldsmith Street, Goulburn, NSW, 2580

Contact Details
Rev. Dr. John Miller
[email protected]
0422 574 741

Event Details
Time: 11:30am - 2:00pm

The Friday Café of the Uniting Church has been an important point of connection for members of our community over many years. By providing a simple meal at a highly affordable price, the Café has created a space for members of the community to meet, connect, overcome isolation, and make new friends. Likewise, the Op-shop is a great attraction for bargain-hunters in search of clothing, linen, kitchenware, and books.

The Friday Op-Shop and Café is held every Friday from 11.30 - 2.00 at the Wesley Centre, 43 Goldsmith Street, Goulburn.


What’s on

There are lots of things happening.

Gallery 2: Hannah Cooper ‘Warping the Weft’

Hannah Cooper uses traditional cloth-making techniques to produce domestic textiles, a medium ubiqui...

The Window: an original work by the Participants of ‘Act Up’

Taking over the Gallery’s Window space, Act Up presents perspectives on the queer experience that ...

‘The Grotto Makers 2024’ Exhibition by Jo Howard

Jo Howard's artwork has always been intuitively connected to symbols, history, mythology and imagini...

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